Social, Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental awareness of populations & coorporations
GHI signing a partnership convention
with the Faculty of science
of the University of Dschang - Cameroon
GHI involve in the training of artisanal
miners on occupationnal health and safety
Miner in an underground unsafe tunnel
Safety management in mining quarries
Distribution of safety material to artisanal miners
Familly photo after the GHI first
General Assembly meeting, may 18th 2013
GHI involve in the training of artisanal
miners on occupationnal health and safety

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Post by ghi on 22/03/2015 at 11h54min27s
Social Responsibility (SR) is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and environment, through transparent and ethical behavior. The SR strengthens the development sustainability, including health and welfare of the society. Also, its takes into account the expectations of stakeholders, in compliance with applicable law, in conformity with international norms of behavior, and is integrated throughout the organization and practiced in its relationships. GHI will guide and strengthen Companies and Organization in Africa to be CSR compliant, based upon the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Standards. See current and pending projects

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