Social, Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental awareness of populations & coorporations
GHI signing a partnership convention
with the Faculty of science
of the University of Dschang - Cameroon
GHI involve in the training of artisanal
miners on occupationnal health and safety
Miner in an underground unsafe tunnel
Safety management in mining quarries
Distribution of safety material to artisanal miners
Familly photo after the GHI first
General Assembly meeting, may 18th 2013
GHI involve in the training of artisanal
miners on occupationnal health and safety


Post by ghi on 22/03/2015 at 11h52min22s
African countries are anticipating an increase in industrialization in the next few years. The target sector is the extraction of natural resources such as mining, oil, gas and agricultural products. In light of the current situations, there is a need to build a conscious workforce and educate the population in regards to best practices of Corporate Social Responsibility, Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Issues for industrialization world. GHI will address these needs in different regions as a contribution to sustainable development.

Réalisé par Univers Binaire
© Green Heart International 2013 -
